Saturday 2 January 2016

Dengue vaccine was approved in three countries

Mosquitoes are the main cause dengue fever transmission among human beings each year, 400 million people are infected with the disease that finally, 22 thousand people, will be its victim. Recently, scientists and doctors fail to produce a vaccine that will prevent infection with dengue fever.
During the past month, Brazil, the Philippines and Mexico due to the weather conditions were very susceptible to the presence of disease-causing mosquitoes, dengue fever approved the first vaccine to be widely available to the public for public use. Since September, 100 cases of dengue infection in Hawaii reported that 29 of them related to persons under 18 years.
However, dengue vaccines are still not ideal enough, and certainly not stand against the disease. According to published reports, laboratory, this vaccine of 60% reduction in the risk of disease and for children under 9 years are also at risk. However, the vaccine against the most serious form of the disease, ie 95.5% of dengue hemorrhagic fever successful.
Every year, about 500 thousand people are infected with dengue hemorrhagic fever that killed much of the form as well. By taking advantage of this vaccine can be hoped that the number of cases and deaths each year could be reduced.
It is not clear that hospitals and health care facilities when and at what price will the vaccine to the public. Sanofi pharmaceutical company responsible for the drug's production and is now in talks with three countries mentioned.
World Health Organization plans in April this year dengue vaccine accurate evaluation of your case and then provide recommendations on how to use it.

Twitter is try to increasing ethnic diversity among employees

Twitter including Silicon Valley companies that racial and ethnic diversity in the workforce is very low and therefore many recent protests by the public and the experts. Following this issue, the company has announced that it intends to one former Apple executive to head its ethnic diversity hire.
"Jeffrey Smirnoff" white man already for two years at Apple, led the side and is known as a strong advocate for all segments of society. But his skin color and sex is something that some critics continue to complain and claim that the social network San Francisco instead of progress, one step back.
Continuing with the leaked render tuned.
The number of female employees in the company's those little black and so one of the staff said that the problem of ethnic diversity Twitter Twitter Negro is not something that could be resolved soon. While a large part of Latin and African-American users, Twitter users have formed the constituent members of staff who serve them are almost all white.
It is appropriate to recall that according to statistics, only 6 percent of employees discussed social network and 13 percent of black and Hispanic women have the entire collection and the rest of them are all white and male.
All of this aside, another criticism of this decision is that Mr. Siminoff Twitter imported Like most managers, not much activity on the network and from 5 years ago has only about 800 tweets sent.
It is in this context to note that only the senior director of the company that their network is still very active, Jack Dorsey, the creator and CEO also is a follower diversify race and ethnicity, has stated that are intended to, as well as 320 employees million users from around the world, many employees also add to your collection.